Tell Ford to Resign

Ontario is in crisis, and Doug Ford walked us straight into it. It's clear that Ford is not the leader Ontario so desperately needs.

From day one Ford has been more interested in saving his own political skin than saving lives.

    As soon as he was elected, he cut the - already unsubstantial - two sick days Ontarians had. He's refused to listen to experts voting against them time and time again. His half-measures have caught us in a predictable pattern of lockdowns and COVID-waves. Through it all he's left long-term care residents to suffer, refused substantial reports for small businesses, and the rollout of both COVID-testing and vaccinations have been disastrous.

    He's led and will only continue to lead Ontario into chaos. Tell Ford to do the right thing; resign and let us get back on track.

    Ontarians deserve a leader who values the hard work they have done over the past year to follow the rules and keep each other safe. Ontarians deserve a leader who takes action instead of passing the buck. Ontarians deserve a leader who puts them first.

    Because of Doug Ford's failure, we are in a fight to save Ontario. We are calling on Ford to resign, but if he doesn't, we need to be ready to win an election, so join us now in sending him packing:

    Add your name if you agree: Doug Ford has got to go!

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